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Twitter & Dreams....

Twitter has arrived for F.I.T!

That's right - we now have Twitter added to our social network :) and you can access our Twitter page by following this link - TWITTER

Please feel free to Follow us on Twitter and bump up our number of supporters!

So... on to Dreams.

Ive been thinking a lot about exciting plans for F.I.T as a community, like for example - embarking on a project to try and raise funds through a certain website in order to be able to set up monthly support meetings in the South of England for F.I.T members to come together and talk face to face; to unite.

In order to do this I figured I need to make a video amongst other things like setting a target for funds that I think we will need to make this project come true!

The website where I will reach out to people about this project and it's aims is called Crowdfunder. You may have heard of it, you may not - either way F.I.T will encourage you to find out more about our project on Crowdfunder once it has been published... (watch this space!)

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