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Anne says: 'You are not alone'.

You are not alone.

Hey guys, it's Anne (one of the F.I.T staff) writing here. I'm hopefully going to be doing some blog posts from now on. Please feel free to comment on the Facebook F.I.T page or group if you fancy giving some feedback.

Today's blog is about this – you are not alone. However you feel at this moment there are people in the world that care about you and want to know what's going on in your life.

Chronic illness can be lonely. Those thoughts in your head at night, in the day time, at any time tell you that you have no one, you have nothing, therefore you are nothing. These thoughts are wrong. They are not true. Whether you have people in your physical world to support you, one, two, hundreds, they count. Whether you have people in your online communities that support you, those people count.

You are not alone, and people do care about you.

If right now you still feel I'm wrong, you are alone, no one cares, please join the Facebook FIT group. It's a friendly place where people support one another and really do care.

Lastly, I care about you, and so do all of us at FIT. We don't want you to feel alone. Message us, tweet to us, never be afraid to reach out.

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